9 AM
„Push your career“ – RYLA meets IP career

4 premium workshops (compare attachment)

2-6 PM
IP career fair

IP applicants meet IP employers
IP career Academy
Forum on career topics

PM „IP Industry – Quo vadis?“

Welcome Reception

6:30 PM
Keynote: “Lawyers vs. Algorithm”

Patent Attorney Martin Schweiger

7 PM
Expert Panel Discussion

8 PM
IP Lounge „IP meets Pianovibes“

Get-together, drinks & snacks, cocktailpiano

9 PM
“Grand Prize Lottery”
Band “RaceCats”

Untitled 1

Defines how an owner can protect his or her creative work

Protects a technical or scientific invention from imitation

Refers to a design, symbol, lettering or words that represent a company or product

Design rights
Protects the visual design of objects and items

Trade secret
Refers to a formula, process or information that gives the owner a competitive advantage

Plant variety right
Defines the right to a plant that is newly cultivated

Career opportunities in the world of Intellectual Property are manifold.


Past events gallery

IP stories


Clemens Meikis

Senior Consultant


Clemens Meikis

Senior Consultant